Subject: Re: Should I Continue with The Affiliate Course?🤨

Hey Steven here.

I was just wanting to know a little feedback from you.

So over the last week or so, I have been releasing a Super

Affiliate Video Course.

A lot of subscribers have been going thru the course and I was

getting very positive feedback about what they have learned.

However as I continued to release the videos I noticed that not

many were downloading the videos as I was releasing them.

So I am wondering if you are still interested in The FREE Course.

Instead of releasing the videos 2 at a time daily, I was thinking

about just releasing the whole course in one email to download.

Please reply if you are a subscriber who would still be interested.

This course is 100% FREE from me to you, and it is a very

valuable source of information.

I will decide whether i will release it once I hear from you.

Best Wishes and I'll talk to you soon,

Steven H

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