Subject: Hey! I'm Giving You a Super Affiliate Course

So I've been doing some thinking and I wanted to do something

different over the next week.

I want to give you more.

More valuable content.

More knowledge.

More strategy and tips, so that you can have the best possible

chance at success.

Then a great idea came to mind.

I thought "Why don't I just give them the sources I learned from?"

So that's what I'm gonna do.

One of the big teachers I learned from is a friend of mine named

Paul Nichols.

Some of you may know him as he is a top seller on affiliate

platforms like Jvzoo and Warrior Plus.

Paul has been a Super Affiliate since 2009, and has done almost

all there is to do in this business.

Paul taught me so much when I first started and he played a

major role in my own path to success.

So what I've decided to do is, give you access to his Super

Affiliate Course.

Paul has sold this course for $997, for the past year or so, and i

can tell you that it is worth every penny.

Because you are a subscriber to Branch Out Life, Paul has

agreed to giving you access to this Super Course.

That's right you are getting access to a $1000 course, completely


So here's how I'm going to do this.

I'm going to give you the first 2 videos in this email. Then from

today on I will release 2 more videos.

I believe there are about 20 videos, so for probably the next 10

days I will be releasing this course to you.

Make sure you have these emails starred or on your whitelist, so

that you don't miss any of these courses.

I hope you can soak up all the info Paul gives because it is

absolutely worth it.

You can download the first 2 videos below:

Paul's Course video 1

Paul's Course video 2

I will release 2 more videos tomorrow.

Talk to you soon,

Steven H

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