Subject: Friend Build Your Success Mindset

Hello Friend

Etienne here.

Today I wanted to talk to you about having a successful mindset. This is very important in all aspects of life, but it especially crucial in starting your own successful business.

Many entrepreneurs overlook this and its the main reason most fail. So I wanted to briefly go over 8 mindsets that will set you on the right path.

1. Have A Growth Mindset

This is the mindset that will allow you to dream big and push the boundaries of your ideas to new levels. Instead of judging experiences in terms of failures and successes, frame them in a positive light.

You will have challenges and obstacles along the way. Recognize that all of them can help you grow and become a better person.

With a growth mindset, people believe that their talents and abilities can be developed over time through experience and mentorship, so they push themselves and “go for it.”

2. No risk, no reward.

Do something completely out of your comfort zone and your mind will become more nimble. As a result, you’ll learn to push yourself to new heights.

Those who fail to get out of their comfort zone often end up with a rigid mindset.

An unwillingness to take risks stymies progress, and you will ultimately fizzle out.

3. Embrace your mistakes and move on.

Part of taking risks is being able to learn from your mistakes.

A blunder can also be an amazing blessing because you can use your misstep as a jumping-off point toward something new.

Instead of trying to hide or make excuses, consider what you can take away from these experiences as you go forward.

4. Curiosity will keep you thirsting for more.

No matter what your level of education, you should never stop learning.

A thirst for knowledge is something that can never be quenched, and should be a lifelong quest.

5. Find gratitude, celebrate others’ successes.

Acknowledging and delighting in others’ successes will help you shirk feelings of bitterness or resentment, and will allow you to focus on the positive things you have accomplished as well.

6. Shun the negative, feed the positive

As a rule, you reflect the characteristics of the people with whom you surround yourself.

As motivational speaker Jim Rohn has said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”

In the same way, your mindset will reflect whatever information you feed it. That’s why it’s key to fuel your mind with positive information on a daily basis.

7. Be healthy in mind and body.

Don’t discount the importance of both physical and mental agility.

Embracing both, since they work together to keep you alert and focused.

8. Keep your energy high.

When you are feeling low on energy and neglect to work out for a little while, your enthusiasm and positivity wanes, which in turn allows negative thoughts to take hold.

Energy equals momentum, which is particularly important in business. It’s about having the drive and endurance to manage your daily activities.

Training your mind to have these quality mindsets will solidify your inevitable success in your near future and skyrocket you to exceed your goals.

I hope I gave value to you all today and don't forget if you have not signed up for our Free Course where we go in depth on success mindsets, you can do so here.

Free Course

Talk to you soon



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