Subject: You can't succeed without this...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

This week I'm continuing to look at ways to make an important
improvement in your life. If you're unhappy with your life right
now or suffering from depression or low self esteem then this
message is for you so read on...

Life is about moving forward and when you don't or feel you are
stuck then you feel bad inside. Maybe you are suffering from this
now. I know I have experienced that feeling many times before. Do
you know what you need to do when you feel like that?

You need to step out of your comfort zone.

Life is about learning and this means doing things that you
haven't done before. This can be very scary. If you let fear stop
you, you risk nothing but your life will stay where it is and you
will feel lost.

Depression or low self esteem are symptoms which tell you that
you are ignoring yourself. What I mean to say is that you need to
understand that to achieve what you want you have to take a
chance and go for it!

Any fear inside you will melt away if you attack it by doing
something to move forward. By refusing to give in to fear you
build your strength and you can again start to respect yourself.

Remember this, true failure is refusing to try. No one can
succeed without stepping into the unknown. Staying in your
comfort zone will only lead to more of the same. New experiences
bring opportunities and hope for a new beginning.

It may be that all you need to do is "go for it!" or you may find
it easier to have someone to share your successes and encourage
you, or another person who will help to keep you moving in the
right direction.

Stepping out of your comfort zone will change your world. I hope
that the words I send you today will help you to see that there
is hope.

I wish you happiness and success,

Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets"


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