Subject: You CAN change this...

Re: Weekly newsletter from Karl Perera at and


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Hey Friend,

This week I've got a quote for you from the great author James Allen:

"All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve is the direct result of your own thoughts."

Think about that for a moment.

Your thinking is everything. The world that you see and feel reflects how you think. Think differently and your world and the possibilities change in amazing ways!

It sometimes seems easier to think negatively than positively. Even if this is true and it might be for you, all this means is that you need to work hard at thinking

positively. You CAN change your thinking.

Have you ever noticed how when you are feeling down or depressed everything seems wrong? The opposite is also true. Why? Because of the only thing that has changed,

your thoughts. 

Go read this page about how your thoughts can get in your way and what you can do to make your thinking help you instead:

Good luck and enjoy the page and if you think it is helpful please share it using the share buttons on the page.

Until next time, 

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets, Teacher and Coach

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