Subject: You ARE successful
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
You are Successful
There is one thing you are forgetting, that you are ignoring because of
your focus. But first let me ask you:
Do you need to build your self esteem? Have you found it
difficult to do that?
So what is it that you have ignored? Let me explain...
If you are like most people you may think "I need to improve" or "I need to
do this to be happy or successful". Perhaps you have tried many things but
still your confidence and self esteem is sometimes low. What you have
ignored is that..
You ARE successful.
Think about that for just a moment. You have achieved many many successes
in your life before. You have. You have faced problems and challenges and
overcome them. You have helped others and you have improved in many ways in
order to get where you are today. Stop for a moment and think now of one
important success you have had. Now think of one major difficulty you
overcame. Write down a few more of your successes.
If you focus not on what you need to do next but what you have done and how
successful you are then you will grow in confidence. Your new self esteem
will guide you forward.
Last week I sent you a message about being happy NOW and if you change your
focus onto the success you have had so far then you can truly be happier
My message this week then is to tell yourself:
"I am successful".
When you understand that you have gone through so much and got to this
point successfully, you open your mind to the endless possibilities for
future success.
One thing that stands in your way is negative self talk so take a look at
this page to find out how to beat your negative self talk and become even
more successful and happy:
Have a successful week!
Karl Perera
Author of Self Esteem Secrets: