Subject: Winter is Beautiful too..

Hi Friend,

This is a new year and I hope that you are filled with new hopes
and dreams. Don't spend too much time going over past events
of 2009 but rather look forward to how you can make 2010 a
year for you and those around you.

Expect 2010 to be a wonderful year and it will be.

Thank you for your best wishes and for following me the last
year. I hope you'll continue to read my weekly emails and
re-visit my website.


So much depression and unhappiness at this time of year but why?

Winter is different around the world but if you want to you
can enjoy this season as much as any other.
It is a time to rest and recover ready for the year ahead.

Winter is very under-rated. I love it. I have been lucky enough
to see just how beautiful winter can be...

I just got back from spending my Christmas in Austria. The snow
and ice made it feel
like a real Christmas.

I would like to point you to my son's gallery of pictures where
you can see some snaps he took in Austria and elsewhere:

There is no inspiration like nature. The pure air and
tranquility of the mountains covered with snow.
The silence and stillness - it was awesome!

So remember to appreciate the time of year - winter holds so
many surprises.

I hope you have a fantastic year ahead!

Take care,
Karl Perera

Author of "Self esteem Secrets"