Subject: Where is the child inside?🌱

Hello again!

A big thank you to you if you answered my survey research questions last week. If you haven't there's still time just click this link and help me out. Please don't answer again if you did last week.

What I plan to do with the results is to add them to a page on my website. It's completely anonymous and no information except the results will be shared. More surveys will be coming in future weeks.

This weeks Inspiration

Life is a chance to learn each day. Kids love to learn, don't they? In fact, until we hammer them with exams, they have a natural gift and desire to learn.

Where is that little child who was amazed with all the new things to learn around you? Where is that excitement you showed when you were small? Is it still there, or is it gone?

Well, you're no longer a child but the good news is that sense of adventure. that child is still in side you. Do you know where to find it?

In your heart.

That inner child is curious to know more about everything, it is full of energy, it is happy and has no fear. Why not release that child into your world again and you will see that the hope and joy it brings is just what you need now.

These are tough times, we are all feeling it. But I sense that from this tragic situation we are in right now, there are lessons to be learnt and positives to take from all this.

So, instead of letting fear and worry take hold of you, do all you can to protect yourself. Focus on the important things in life, those things that really mattered to you as a child.

You can overcome any problem if you see it with fresh eyes and learn how to improve your health and take from this horrible year the positives that come even from this dark time.

I have experience the death of two friends, one to Coronavirus and another taken too early. It has shocked me into a new reality and put everything into perspective.

Despite the events I see hope for change, for better. I wish with all my heart that you can too.

Finally, here's something from me to help you this week:  

Have a great week, and do let me know your thoughts about this message I've sent you today, I'd love to hear from you.

Speak again soon,

Karl Perera MA, DipLC (Life Coaching). (new videos each week about self improvement) 

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