Subject: What's your answer to this question...?
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
I hope you've had a great week but even if it's been difficult,
it's time to get motivated!
Speaking of motivation...where does it come from?
What motivates you?
This is one of the greatest questions you can ask yourself
because whatever it is you are doing or plan to do without
You cannot do your best.
It is only when you're motivated that you can keep going when you
find the path difficult. If you're not motivated, you'll give up
before you've done anything.
Lack of motivation causes you to focus on the reasons why
something won't work.
So, again, what motivates you?
In answering this question you might like to think about your
values. You have values which are uniquely yours but may be
shaped by your upbringing. You have different values for every
area of your life:
relationships, work, family, love, success, religion and so on.
Values motivate you and are the reason why you choose what you
do, whether it is the kind of lifestyle or your job or your
If you would like help thinking about this question and others
that will help you unlock a much better future for yourself then
why not try a Life Coaching session with me?
- Try a FREE 50 minute Life Coaching Session, to discuss what
changes you'd like to make in your life. See the benefits and
open up new opportunities.
- I'll tell you how you can join my full Coaching Program which
is available to you at a very special price.
Reply to this email with the subject "I am interested in your
Life Coaching Program" and I'll send you the details.
Please hurry as I can only accept a small number of people at the
See you next week,
Karl Perera
Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book: