Subject: What do you do when this happens?
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
This week I thought I'd answer a question a reader has sent me..
This is the question:
"what do you do when people keep on pointing out that you are a
This is a common question often asked because one of the biggest
reasons why many people suffer from low self esteem is that they
hear from others constant negative messages. If you are in a
situation where others bring you down or criticize you regularly,
you may start to believe what they say.
Are you in this situation?
So what can you do about this? There are really only one or two
options if you want to reverse what is happening, (ie. your self
esteem is being destroyed and you begin to feel a failure).
1. You stay away from those people who call you a failure and
choose to be around those who will support you.
2. You stand your ground, defend yourself and tell others they
are wrong and they should stop.
Now I know that it is not easy to do either of the above. Perhaps
those who call you a failure are co-workers you see every day or
maybe they are family. In this case, you need to decide which
option you will take. believe me it is better to be away from
negative people so if possible change your situation if possible.
Get a new job, mix with new friends, make changes.
If you choose option 2 then you need to be strong and direct.
This takes some courage, but remember that you deserve the right
to your level of self esteem. No-one has the right to call you a
In the end, it is not what others say to you that matters, it is
what you say to yourself. You are not a failure until you tell
yourself that you are.
Go visit this page for more questions and answers about self
I hope this message helps you this week,
Take care,
Until next week,
Karl Perera
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