Subject: Two ways to change things for the better
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
Today I have a quick message and a great offer for you.
My message today is about something that many feel negative about but it is
something you cannot change and have to accept. I am saying today that you
should have a positive attitude towards this and this will help your self
What is it?
...Your age. Don't be negative about your age ever. If you are sometimes
feeling you wish you were younger then remember.. age brings with it
experience and wisdom. You have been through many challenges and overcome
them. You have learnt lessons that have made you stronger and wiser. Age is
something to be respected. You can antipate and prepare yourself whereas
the unexperienced are unprepared.
If you are young and wish you were older and wiser then simply it will come
before you know it. The young have incredible potential. Don't fear the
future treat it as an opportunity to grow.
Now I have a special recommendation for you:
I don't know if you've heard of Hypnosis Downloads -
but I'm a long time fan. In fact, just recently I have been listening to two
downloads to beat my sleeping problem. They have helped tremendously
and now I can again enjoy a restful night's sleep. A few weeks back I just
couldn't relax and fall asleep quickly.
I highly recommend using their downloads to support your self growth goals
for 2013.
The problem is, they've just let me in on a secret: Their prices are about
to go up!
So I wanted to let you know that you can still get all their products at
the current low price. You can browse them all here:
I'm not sure yet exactly when the prices are going up, but it will be soon.
Jump in - I believe these are the best hypnosis products on the internet -
I'm sure you'll be impressed.
And if you'd like an explanation of how self hypnosis works then visit this
page on my site:
Speak again next week,
Karl Perera
Author of Self Esteem Secrets: