Subject: Try being yourself for a change...

Hi Friend,

How are you this week?

"The ultimate goal of being yourself in an authentic way is
actually about loving yourself in a generous way. If you truly
love yourself, most of what you worry about and even much of what
you strive for in life becomes meaningless. You may still have some
worries, and you'll definitely continue to have goals, dreams, and
desires. However, from a place of true self-appreciation and
self-love, the fear behind your worries and the motivation for your
goals dramatically changes from something you have to avoid or
produce in order to be accepted and valued to something you're
genuinely concerned about or really want to accomplish." ~ Mike

So often we try to reach other people's expectations without
giving thought about what is best for us. I have a friend who
told me she became a pharmacist because that is what her family
wanted her to become instead of becoming a teacher like she
wanted to become. While I know she can reverse this decision, it
would not be easy.

Layer by layer, you choose an identity. The most important thing
you can do is experience your true self. God gave us each a gift.
You just need to find it and realize it. I hope today you can love
yourself enough to go down your own path, no matter what others
think. You need to reclaim the power that the Almighty gives you to
make authentic choices that utilize your gifts.


In just a few days I will reveal to you how you can get my new
*FREE CD "A More Confident You"*

It's going LIVE in a few days -- *STANDBY* -- A FREE CD PLUS A

The first few got an advance copy last week - find out how you
can too get this when it goes live...

Take care,
Karl Perera

Author of Self esteem Secrets"

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