Subject: The Positive Truth is this...
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and
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Hi Friend,
My message this week is all about changing your focus. The human
brain seems to be wired so that we often focus on the negative
and ignore the positive. Is this true for you?
Do you notice how if you believe something negative about
yourself you see only things that agree with your belief? Do you
ignore anything that might disagree with your beliefs?
You've heard about positive thinking I'm sure.
I've often heard people tell me it's silly to try to make
everything positive and I agree. Sometimes bad things do happen
and to pretend they are positive is silly. But if you think about
it very few things in this world are just negative. There is
usually a positive side and this should not be ignored.
Open your mind and look for the positive and you will find it. If
you look for the positive and change how you think in this way,
more positive things will happen. Your life can change if you
adjust your thinking in this way.
Edison discovered the light bulb after "failing" 10,000 times.
What did he think of failing? He saw each failure as positive
because it took him closer to making his bulb. He took each
failure as an opportunity to learn something and by understanding
he moved closer to his goal.
Losing your job may give you some free time which you could use
to think about what you want or it could give you the push you
need to try something new, perhaps start a business. Anything is
possible if you take the bad and see the positive.
"The first step is to fill your life with a positive faith that
will help you through anything. The second is to begin where you
are." - Norman Vincent Peale
Karl Perera
Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: