Subject: The Inspiration to succeed...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and

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Hi Friend,

Watching the olympics this week I was impressed by the way that athletes
prepare themselves to perform at the highest level. You can learn a lot
from the way an athletes trains his body and mind for success.

It doesn't matter what you try to do in life you will always find
difficulties and set backs. The olympics has again shown that you can
achieve amazing things if you believe in yourself and use the power of your
mind to help you. This is not, unfortunately enough on its own, you need to
train your body too.

One very important skill you can use to help yourself with any challenge in
your life, (maybe you need to give a speech or presentation or you want to
improve your career or have more friends). Whatever it is you want first
learn visualisation. What is that? It is seeing yourself succeeding in your
mind and not only picturing yourself being successful but feeling it too.
If you keep doing this you will gain in self confidence and lose your self
doubt and your success will be more certain.

Visualisation is powerful and it works! Try spending 20 minutes twice a day
visualising yourself doing whatever you want to and feel it as you
experience it in your mind. This will make a huge difference if you keep
doing it.

I have an article on my site which explains more about how to use
visualisation to achieve your goals, please click on this link to read it:

Speak next week,

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: