Subject: Take time out to do this and your life will change..
Re: "Take time out to do this and your life will change".. from
Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
I hope you managed to take a holiday or at least a short break
for the New Year. I was away and the change has done me good...I
managed to escape my normal life and went to Austria with my
family. It was breathtaking to visit the mountains and breathe
the fresh air!
Escaping the routine of everyday work and life enables you to
look at things with a different view; however, it also makes me
look at
how things are in my life and forces me to question the path I
have chosen so far.
As it is New Year I ask you to use this time to pause, do
something different and find some time to think about
your life and where you are right now.
Are you happy with how things are or do you want to make changes?
Now is a very good time to look at the big picture and question
what you're doing. Is your life rewarding you with happiness and
satisfaction or is it taking you away from who you really are?
Your goal should always be to move towards the things that make
you happy, those things that inspire you.
I wish you a happy and successful 2011 and above all, I want you
to think about your path ahead. Do you need to make changes? If
so, how? My prayer for you today is the one I also need:
-- let fear never stop you. --
Be guided by your feelings and by your nature and your faith.
Believe in yourself and value your wishes.
Good luck over the next few weeks and months and the year ahead.
I'll be back next week with more.
My best wishes to you,
Take care,
Karl Perera
Author of "Self Esteem Secrets"