Subject: Symptoms That You Should Look Out For...
Re: Weekly email from Karl Perera
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Hi Friend,
I hope this email finds you and your loved ones well..
It's common to feel down from time to time, but it's less common
to suffer feelings of despair and emptiness that won't go away,
even if you change your circumstances. Depression is more than
just a case of the blues. It's a low feeling that makes it hard
to enjoy life or even to function on a day to day basis. When
friends and hobbies are no longer interesting, you feel exhausted
on a regular basis, and it's hard to get through your day, you
may be suffering from the signs of depression. Let's take a
closer look at them today.
Learning about the signs of depression and what you can do about
them is the first step to overcoming your problem.
Find out how you can eliminate your depression permanently just
like I did:
Depression may make you feel extremely sad Friend, or just
listless and numb. It takes over your life, makes it hard to have
fun, sleep, eat, study, or do just about anything. Intense,
unrelenting feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and other
negative emotions are extremely common. These are just some of
the signs of depression.
When you're depressed, your sleep will be disrupted. Some people
can't sleep, while others sleep all the time. Easy tasks become
hard and concentration becomes more difficult. You may feel
helpless or without hope, and unable to control your negative
thoughts. Food is affected by depression, as well. Some people
lose their appetites, while others distract themselves with food
or feel hungry frequently. Irritability and short temperedness
are common, and you may think your life's not worth living. You
could feel either keyed up and agitated or sluggish and listless.
Depression is a major risk for suicide, but just because you're
depressed doesn't mean that you are suicidal. The two things are
connected, but not the same condition. If you've experienced
suicidal thoughts or impulses, it's important to get help of some
kind, but it can be extremely hard. Make sure that people take
you seriously, even though it's difficult to talk about openly.
Remember that seeking treatment doesn't mean you're weak, and it
doesn't mean you have to be medicated or institutionalized. There
are lots of ways to help get over the symptoms of depression that
don't require drugs.
The solution I recommend, Depression Free Method offers more
information on all the symptoms associated. Many doctors won't
hesitate to put you under ineffective drugs that make you feel
dazed most of the time. These drugs work temporarily but rarely
provides a permanent solution.
Instead of waiting for your doctor to put together a puzzle that
is rarely solved, there are many ways you can grab the bull by
the horns and learn about this mental condition yourself. By
trying some of the suggestions in the Depression Free Method, you
can heal yourself fast and permanently!
Find out exactly what I’m talking about:
To Your Good Health
Karl Perera
Author of and "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book