Subject: Stop doing this and let happiness in...

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Hi Friend,

What is one of the most important things you can do to embrace

There is one thing that you can do starting today which will make
a huge change in your life. It will change your attitude and make
you more confident in your own actions and decisions. But be
warned -as with most things it is easy to say, but it is much more
difficult to actually put this into action every day. If you do
it will make a big change in your life.

What I am talking about is taking responsibility. If you suffer
from low self esteem or depression, or if your life is not what
you want it to be right now, I bet that you blame others
for your situation or you blame bad luck rather than take

It is very easy to blame your unhappiness on others. "If only she
would say this, if only he would do that, if only they didn't
think that or if only they would give me a chance..."

And it is very easy to look at your current situation and come to
the conclusion that it is because of your upbringing, your
parents, your family, your job, who you work with everyday or
your boss, or because of where you live, because of your
religion, your appearance, your race and many many
other things...

What I would say to you is that we all do this from time to time
but rather than blaming, which is useless anyway, why not take
responsibility today for the choices you have made and the things
you can have accepted or not?

So how do you do this? Seems easy doesn't it? But in practice
the blame game just continues. This is no way to live because
blaming others gets you nowhere. All it does is make you feel
helpless because you can't change others or how they think and a
long list of things like your upbringing your parents etc. are
all things that you need to accept as part of your life.

To take your next step forward
need to start from a positive point but blame makes you angry,
frustrated and negative. It also makes you feel helpless which
affects your self esteem and can also lead to depression. So
start accepting the things about your life which have made you
who you are today and try for a moment to list in your mind the
good things that have resulted from these outside influences.

But what if you see something in your life that you think has a
huge negative impact on you?

As I said, first look to see if there is anything positive.
Think of this first and focus on that for a moment. At least
you'll start from a positive place rather than a negative place.
It may be true that there is something that you need to change so
that you can move to a place where you can start to grow. The
trick is knowing what you can change. That is taking

So today I simply ask you to think about all the things you are
telling yourself. What do you blame for your unhappiness? Who
do you blame for your low self esteem? Who is responsible for
how you think and feel?

My e-book "Self esteem Secrets" can help you answer these
questions and shows you how to become more responsible for your
life and so increase your self esteem. Get a copy here:

These are important questions and if you spend some time today
thinking about my message and putting it into action I know that
it will make a big difference in your life. Stop blaming others
and other situations and your background and start taking
responsibility. This is your life and you are responsible for
how you feel and how you think and that responsibility will lead
you to make decisions which will move you to a happier place.

I hope you enjoyed my message today, if you'd like more valuable
information about improving your self esteem then please take a
look at the following page:

Speak again soon, Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self esteem Secrets: