Subject: Self Esteem Worksheet for You...💪


This week I have created something I hope will really help you if you are struggling to get started on building your self esteem or if you have hit a roadblock!

To help you, I have put together a simple Self Esteem Inventory Worksheet which you can Download free (no sign up needed either!) here:

Take Me to The Worksheet Download

I have created this so you can reflect on what you need to do next and where you are right now on your journey to more self esteem.

  • 6 important questions to get you thinking

  • what are your strengths, what needs to change and how can you improve your social skills?

It's a great tool to help you get started with renewed energy this week, so be sure to go download it.

OK, that's all for this week. I'd love to get your questions if you have any for me.

Enjoy the worksheet and do let me know how you get on with it and what you'd like me to give you next.

all the best,

I'm Karl Perera

(MA, DipLC)

 If you have received this email from someone else, sign up here: has been online since 1998. My company seeks to help you build self esteem and feel better about who you are. I am a Teacher, Author and Life Coach.

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