Subject: Opportunity to build confidence...
Re: "An opportunity to build your Confidence..." from Karl Perera
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Hi Friend,
This week I want to give you an opportunity, will you take it?
I have a very limited number of copies of my hugely popular and
very successful CD "A More Confident You" that I would like to
send out. Would you like a copy?
Why should you be interested in this incredible CD? Here's what
you'll discover when you listen to it:
- 3 valuable secrets of self esteem
- my 5 top tips for boosting your self esteem
- how to test your self esteem
- the main causes of self esteem
- the problems which result and how you can solve these problems
You can get this CD for just the cost of postage (The CD is worth
$17 or more but I'm giving it away for FREE)
Click here to get it:
But that's not all! If you grab this CD today you'll also be able
to get a stunning bonus:
*Instant Access to "Aspire to be You" - my newly upgraded
membership site* for 30 days.
So, if you read my emails each week and love the material I send
you then you're going to love the exclusive content inside this
There it is, an amazing opportunity. Please hurry if you want to
get this because I have only a limited number of CDs and they
WILL finish quickly.
Go to this page right now and I'll tell you how to get this:
Here are just a few comments I've had:
"The poems were wonderful. "A More Confident You" is a truly
great tool and excellent value." -Caroline
"Listening to Karl is like listening to a friend. He is warm,
personable and very encouraging. He makes you feel as though
developing a healthy self-esteem, no matter how low you may feel
is possible; and if you implement the techniques he speaks
about, you can't help but begin to feel more positive about
Until next week,
Karl Perera
Get your CD "A More Confident You" and my special Bonus: