Subject: Need a boost?

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and

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Hi Friend,

How is your self esteem this week?

Need a boost? Then read on..

Today I want to ask you about your thoughts. Do they help you or
hurt you?

Thoughts come before feelings and so to build self esteem you
need to examine your thoughts.


If you need to build your self esteem this is something you MUST


What do you tell yourself?

You know, that voice inside you that says things like "I'm not
good enough for him/her" or "I can't do that very well" or "I
don't deserve it"...etc.

I want you to notice next time you have one of these thoughts.
Write it down. Draw a line slowly through it and write something
more helpful:

"I am good enough.."
"I can do that well"
"I deserve it"

I would like you to try this for the next week and see what
change this make in your self esteem. Believe me, if you do this,
your thinking will change and this will cause an enormous
positive improvement in your life.

This activity is extremely helpful but to make this even more
powerful you should also use self hypnosis. It is easy and
effective and very natural.

The link below explains how self hypnosis helps. Be sure to check
out the different programs.

Click here to build your self esteem naturally:

That's all for this week, hope you liked it,

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: