Subject: My wish for you...see this..
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
This is my last message before the holidays. After the New Year
I'll be back offering you the chance to change your life and take
Life Coaching from me plus I'll be sending you more messages of
hope and inspiration.
In a few days I'll be off on holiday for a week for Christmas so
before that I want to send you this special message.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I wish
for you happiness and joy for 2012. And peace wherever you are.
This week I have something I'd like you to see...
I have prepared two Lenses on for you.
I'd like you to check them out - these pages help you build your
self esteem and, if you need it, help ease your depression.
Visit my two Lenses now:
Building Your Self Esteem
Depression Self Help Guide
While you are on those pages please do me a small favor:
*If you like the page please share it with a friend or friends.
*Like it on Facebook
*Add a comment or suggestion at the bottom or send me an email
***If you have a website please link back***
I want to leave you with a short poem written by my son Daniel:
"There once was a teacher called Sue
Who liked the tone of blue
But the world was red
So she took to her bed
And stuck to the mattress like glue"
- Daniel Perera
What message do you get from that poem, be very interested to
For more about self esteem:
and depression:
That's all for today - my best wishes for 2012 to you and your
Karl Perera
Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: