Subject: - I need to thank you!

Hi Friend,

As I mentioned I was swamped last week with lots of emails thanking me for the helpful advice, pictures, audios, videos, articles and all that I've sent you recently to help you boost your self esteem.

Here are just a very small selection of these comments here:

Thanks to everyone who sent me a comment. I am always glad to learn that what I am sending you is helping you to improve your life. Receiving your positive comments makes my work worthwhile...

I also received this poem, hope you like it:

"I will always smile for you,even if I'm down.
I will especially smile for you ,when I see you with a frown.
I will always smile for you anywhere ,anytime,because ,when I smile for you ,it shows you ,things will be fine.
Would you smile for me today, if I were to need some strength? ,and could we smile together if it would help someone else through their bad weather?..


I am also very excited to say that I will be giving you news of something I've been working on over the last few weeks and months and I'll tell you more about that on Saturday so look out for that...hint: something else that is really going to help you take on the challenges that you face...

Don't forget to take a look at these comments:

Speak to you again soon!

Take care,
Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets