Subject: Is this the most valuable thing You have?
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at
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Time seems to be passing SO fast and this has made me write my new message
to you today.
Have you ever thought about Time?
Why does it sometimes seem to fly by?
At the moment, maybe you feel it too, time seems to be like a speeding
rocket and you might begin to feel a bit depressed about this.
Do you?
Well, I think it is important to say again that we all need to enjoy each
moment that we have been given. Your life is not so bad, there are many
good things in yours right now.
What to do when time seems to be passing you by so fast?
1. Pause and take a breath. Enjoy this moment and notice all the good
things about your life NOW. If you focus on how perfect this moment is then
you can truly understand that each moment is a gift.
2. Don't waste time - put it to good use!
3. Be less busy with pointless thoughts and worries. Slow down a little and
find some peace to focus on what you want to do right now.
4. If you have to do something with your time that is not of your choosing
then do it and move on, never complain as that just makes it worse.
Now a short quote:
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
― Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married
If you can move yourself towards spending more of your time doing what you
want then you are moving in the right direction. You should never feel
guilty about allowing yourself time to do what you love.
“Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want
to hear.”
― Paulo Coelho
Yes, explaining and persuading is a total waste of time and energy and only
adds to the stress of your day. So let your own judgement be enough.
Enjoy your day! Enjoy your time!
If you've enjoyed this message, then you will surely enjoy reading my new
book - check out the link below and read all about how and why I wrote it
and how it will help you.
Until next week,
Karl Perera
Author of "Self esteem Secrets" published by Motivational Press
(Available in Paperback and Kindle editions)