Subject: Is this the hardest thing to do?

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Hi Friend,

There is one major problem that I keep seeing that stops so many
people from having happy lives. We've talked about many aspects
of self esteem and how it is central to your success but today I
want to talk to you about one of the real reasons why so many
people are stuck and unable to move forward.

What is the hardest thing to do when you want to make changes in
your life?

It's simple - do what you plan to do.

It's easy to make goals and plans but how do you actually go
through with the changes and improvements you want to make?

And what is it that stops so many from taking action to help

Low self esteem causes you deep down to have the attitude "I
don't deserve it". It may be so deep you're not even aware of it.
You must get rid of this belief. How?

Lists are great, make one with all the reasons why you deserve

You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have your own choices and
freedom in life. Why not? Why don't you have just as much right to
success as everyone else?

Today I want to ask you to question that voice inside if you hear
it say "I don't deserve it" and list reasons why you DO deserve

Why allow others to be successful and hold yourself back with
negatives like this. Try to be a person who does deserve the best
and then go after it!

Take care,

Until next week,
Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets"


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