Subject: How to take criticism and use it to empower yourself ...
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Hi Friend,
I hope you've had a great week and that you're doing fine.
There's been a lot of conflict in the world this week and it's
reminded me that all these conflicts come from within.
Misunderstandings, harsh words and a lack of appreciation of
Words can really hurt you if you let them or they can inspire
you to
live to your full potential..
You can listen to criticism and believe it or you can accept
is true and disregard the rest. You can let other's words hurt
you or you can speak out and answer with honesty.
Do the comments of those at work affect you negatively?
Do they make you feel bad and hurt your confidence?
If the answer is yes the problem is not the person who
criticizes you. Yes, they have no right to say hurtful things
but this just shows that they have a problem and are taking it
out on you. Don't let them, answer them politely and honestly
speak up, defend yourself. Don't fight because that will make
conflict worse.
The solution to accepting criticism and not getting
hurt is to be able to accept yourself as you are. Once you do
this you can understand if the criticism is justified and
if not politely answer, disagree and walk away if you can. If
you do it
right this is very powerful.
Don't forget the criticism that hurts most is your own. You need
to start telling yourself you are strong and deserving of love
and respect. You need to start liking who you are.
If you can accept criticism in a positive way then it can
empower you and help you to grow. If it is cruel, then you
question it both out loud and in your mind. Don't accept
negative comments without asking yourself if they're true.
Mostly, they won't be and if you want to be confident you
believe them.
As you defend yourself against someone attacking you unfairly,
you must do the same when the attacker is you and your own
negative words.
I really hope that this email has helped you and speak to you again soon,
Take care,
Karl Perera
Author of Self Esteem Secrets E-book