Subject: How to stay positive...
Re: "How to stay positive......." from Karl Perera at
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Hi Friend,
I know it's hard sometimes to think positively. I have a tip for
you today, I hope it helps you change the way you think.
I often find that when I have a real challenge in my life or a
major decision that I have to be careful to not let fear in and
stay positive. many ask me "how can I think positively?"
To answer this - start asking yourself the how and stop the why
not inside you.
Let me explain..When you want something or need to do something
challenging start asking yourself "How can I do that? How can I
change that?" rather than focusing on the why nots.
Why nots are the reasons why something is difficult or what you
see as obstacles. Change your focus to possibilities rather than
difficulties. Your whole outlook will change.
Remember in any situation and whatever you face in your life you
are not without hope, you do not start from zero. Before you tell
yourself that it is too difficult, go through the advantages you
have. The truth is that you have a lot, even though you may tell
yourself otherwise.
So my message to you this week is this - to start thinking
positively, start with the positives and then ask yourself how
you can build on them.
I wish you success,
Until next week,
Karl Perera
Author of "Self esteem Secrets":
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