Subject: How Powerful are your Thoughts?
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Hi Friend,
I hope you enjoy this inspirational message and that it makes a
difference to you today.
"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they
become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch
your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it
becomes your destiny..."
Wow! Is that thought-provoking or what?
- Everything starts with your thoughts. Before you face a
challenge what goes on in your head?
Last week we talked about fear and that is what is in most
people's heads when they face new challenges or problems. Look at
the quote above and you can see that if your thinking is negative
then the result will be too.
What if you could end your fears, lack of confidence or negative
thinking, don't you think your actions, habits and destiny would
change for the better?
When you start a new project or face a challenge are you positive
about it or like most people do you think about what could go
wrong or the reasons why you shouldn't start?
Success comes to those who dare..those who believe.
Thoughts. They are so powerful.
Now don't go just yet I have an *exclusive offer* for you...
My e-book "Self esteem Secrets" is helping to change lives. Get a
copy today and then send me an email with the subject "E-book
Offer" and I'll give you an extra FREE bonus...
Get an *audio recording of the whole book* as my thank you gift.
This is a one-time offer so don't miss this opportunity!
Get a copy of "Self Esteem Secrets" now:
Take care and have a great weekend,
Karl Perera