Subject: Happy Forgiving New Year

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

I'm not one for making New Year Resolutions because most people who promise
themselves that this year they will do this or do that soon go back to
doing the same as before. Why?

To make any improvement in your life needs a change of habit and that can
take time. You can't expect everything to change instantly. Take small but
steady steps.

For 2013 I would like to wish you health - above all - and happiness now
for what you have today.

Here are two things you should start your new year with right now and good
things will surely grow from this:

1. Be excited about what is to come. The future is an adventure. Of course
there will be challenges for you, but you CAN overcome them. There are
smiles, laughter and happy times ahead too. Opportunities of all kinds and
the most important are the opportunities to discover more about yourself.

2. Fill your heart first with forgiveness. If others have hurt you, then
forgive them. Don't carry anger or hurt inside. Let it go and learn to
forgive. This will change your life in an amazing way.

I have for you an article I wrote all about forgiveness and how to forgive
so if you have five minutes please read it. I hope it will change your
attitude and help you to create a wonderful new year!

Read the article here:

If you like the article and if you think others will too then please share it on
Facebook etc. so others can also read it.

Happy 2013!

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets: