Subject: Forgive this person now...

Re: Weekly newsletter from Karl Perera at and


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Hey Friend,

Last week we talked about forgiveness of others but this week I want to add something that may be of even greater importance.

The one person you need to forgive more than anyone may be YOU!

Are you judging yourself for what you have said or what you have done?

Or for what you didn't say or didn't do?

Maybe you should start today. I advise you spend some time this week thinking about how tough you are on yourself and how you could forgive yourself, for then you can start again.

So pleae be kinder to yourself and forgive yourself for not being perfect.

None of us are!

A note for this week:

I have been working on my site about depression this week and have added some new material go check out this page - depression cures which has new content on it:

Please share the page if you find it helpful.

Thanks so much, 

have a brilliant week! 


Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets, Teacher and Coach

Check my facebook social media channel: