Subject: Don't do this...
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and
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Hi Friend,
"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right
people will love the real you."
I really love this quote and think it has so much power if you
follow that.
Too many people try to be something they are not and that is such
hard work. It is much easier to just be YOU.
Why pretend? Why not be honest and present the real YOu to the
Everyone is unique and has qualities others will like so this
week think about being YOU and those who become your friends will
love you for being real.
One major trap is to seek to be liked by everybody and none of us
can be everything to everyone.
Now, don't misunderstand here. If you can change something,
improve something about yourself then do it. What you shouldnt do
is try to change the very essence of who you are. Self esteem
means accepting the real you, improving where you can and having
the courage to present the REAL you to the world.
Here's that quote once more:
"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right
people will love the real you."
I wish you a happy weekend and look forward to sending you
another message again next week,
Karl Perera
Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: