Subject: Do you make this important mistake?

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Hi Friend,

This week I'd like to talk about your feelings...

So, how do you feel today?

There is a common mistake people make when I hear them talking in
my coaching sessions, perhaps you make it too?

This one mistake really holds you back if you let it..

Here's what you might say:

"That really makes me feel...."
"He made me feel..."

What you should say is "I feel or I felt".

What is the difference? In the first examples you put
responsibility for your feelings onto something else beyond your

The second examples show that you own the feelings and you are
responsible for how you feel.

This week my tip is to take responsibility for your feelings and
stop yourself from saying "it/ he/ that made me feel..." Your
feelings are a mirror of your thoughts and you can choose what to
think if you are in control.

Would you like to discover how to take control of your emotions?
Imagine if you could bring your emotions into balance and change
them from negative to positive ones at will...

Well this will show you how:

See you next week,
Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book: