Subject: Do you know the difference between these?

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

I am so glad to be here with you again this week and I've got a special
message for you this week I hope will help you.

Oh, before I start I want to thank you for reading this and for the many
who wrote to tell me how much this weekly message has helped them. Much

So this week I want to talk about the difference between wanting and

If you have ever done any marketing then you'll understand about the
importance of a customer's wants and needs. Do you know the difference
between your wants and your needs? And why is that important anyway?

Well, I am guessing that you want certain things in your life. What do you
want right now?

You may be confused in your mind about the things you need or want. Let me
explain with a story.

In the past I used to have as my number one wish to find someone who would
be my loving partner. I ached and longed to find someone and every day that
passed I felt lonelier and lonelier. I tried many things, even joined a
dating agency once to meet the girl I was looking for. In short, I tried
desperately to find love. It didn't happen for a long long time until one
day I changed how I thought about it. I had become desperate and needy. I
needed to find that person and I needed it now! One day I decided to relax
and live my life without this desperate need controlling my every thought.
I still wanted to find love with that special person but I let the need go.
I decided that it would happen eventually and it wasn't the end of the
world if that wasn't today. Do you know what happened?

A short time later I met the girl I would marry. I wasn't even trying to
meet someone. I just went out, enjoyed myself and felt happy and told
myself that one day what I wanted would come and that was fine.

I know that my desperate efforts to make something happen was the very
thing that was stopping it from happening.

Is there something you want in your life? How do you think about it - are
you desperately needing or are you quietly wanting it? There is a big

Wanting and being patient and realizing that your desires take time and
that's OK, it will happen when things are right is a world away from
worrying and desperately trying to force the hand of fate.

My message to you today is simple: want, don't need and be happy NOW. Know
that what you want will happen when you don't desperately need it and can
live happily in the meantime in the knowledge that what you want will be
given to you if you relax your attitude. It also helps if you can think
more positively and be optimistic - how? I explain this on the following
page so take a look:

I hope this message lifts you.

Speak again next week,

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets (12 Steps to Higher Self Esteem):