Subject: Do this and build your confidence

Today I want to talk about something that will improve your confidence and self esteem. I wonder if you have ever thought about this.

One difference between confident people and those who are not, is their tendency to act first.

For example, when you are in a group, are you the one to speak first or do you wait until others have spoken before giving your opinion? Confident people speak first.

At work, if something is on your mind and you want to discuss it with your boss, do you wait until they bring up the subject or do you speak about it immediately?

Whatever the situation, acting first takes courage and those who are not confident usually wait before they act. You can convince yourself you are being careful and clever, but acting quickly and decisively shows confidence and will help you at school, work and wherever you deal with others.

My message to you then is act first, don’t wait to be asked, as long as you do this politely but firmly, you will feel confident. Others will see you as confident and notice you.

Feeling and acting confidently will raise your level of self esteem too. Isn’t that exactly what you want?

Speak again very soon,

Karl Perera
Teacher, Author and Coach, Regent Road, CB4 2AD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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