Subject: Daring is important
Re: Weekly newsletter from Karl Perera at and
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Hey Friend,
I posted an amazing quote on Facebook the other day and I thought it would be helpful to you
so here it is:
"Don't dare to be different
Dare to be yourself - if that doesn't make you different
then something is wrong"
Laura Baker.
What a powerful message!
Life is full of situations and people that try to make you behave in a certain way but the most
important thing is to be true to yourself and act accordingly.
Don't be scared because you are different and that is your strength, we are all different.
Don't be like everone else following what others do and think, make your own path and shine.
Be you. Be happy to be you and act and speak naturally. Your life will be so much better.
Now I'd like you to visit my site about depression which I have been updating with lots of new information and helpful advice.
Can you do me a favour and visit the following page, drop a comment and like the page by using the sharing buttons:
I hope you find the new page helpful:
click to find out how to avoid or escape depression
If you click on the link and find it helpful then please share it, thank you!
Until next time,
Karl Perera
Author of Self Esteem Secrets, Teacher and Coach