Subject: Change this and improve...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and

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Hi Friend,

What is your attitude towards change?

Change is one of the main things people fear in life but often
change is forced on you. When this happens what is the point in
fighting it?

Change is needed for progress. If you want to improve your life
you need to make a change happen.

Often you may feel like change means risk and the possibility of
failure or something worse happening. But every person who has
ever succeeeded in life had to face change either changes they
chose or that which was forced on them. You cannot ignore change,
so why not accept it?

Accepting change is not enough you need the right attitude. Back
to the question:

What is your attitude to change?

I am a firm believer that positive action leads to positive
results. A positive attitude to change is not only necessary but
healthy. Do you fear change or embrace it?

Does change mean danger to you or adventure?

If you can accept change and learn to enjoy the adventure of
living and take on the challenges of life you will surely move
forward. Clinging to the past and avoiding changes because they
seem uncomfortable or risky is a recipe for more of the same.

Change your attitude today. Look afresh at the challenges you
face and decide to act positively. Change is necessary, change is

Hope you have a great week ahead,

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: