Subject: Can you change?
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Hi Friend,
I'm back with your weekly inspiring email from More Self Esteem..
Thank you to the many many who commented on my son Daniel's
article "Near Life Experience" last week. There are over 140
comments and 40 people liked the page on Facebook. If you missed
the article or would like to read the comments/ add your own and
like the page, please check it here:
My message to you this week talks about change.
Are you prepared to change?
The world demands, especially now, that you change yourself but
the problem is you need to not only change on the outside but
also on the inside. Without internal change your thoughts and
life will remain the same.
What is your life like now and do you need change?
Of course everyone can change but only if there is the motivation
and desire to change backed up by belief that it is possible.
Negativity gets in the way only too often.
But how do you remove negativity and change yourself in a way
that helps you to improve your life.
I constantly fill my mind with positive inspiration and choose to
watch programs on TV that capture my imagination. I like programs
that create hope and documentaries about the marvels of nature
and the human spirit. I also read books that motivate me towards
success and self belief. I suggest you do too.
One final question for you today:
What do you fill your mind with each day?
Your mind needs to feed on positive thoughts and hopeful messages
so that you become a hopeful and happy person. It doesn't stop
there, if you fill your mind with hope and positivity you can
also inspire others.
I hope I have managed to do that for you today.
Before you go please take a look at the self help articles page
on my website for much more:
Take care,
Karl Perera
Author of and "Self esteem Secrets" E-book