Subject: Can I share this with you?
Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and
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Hi Friend,
Now the holidays are over, I'll be sending out my weekly messages
to you from now on. I hope you're excited about that...
So here's my first message for 2012:
I started thinking about this whilst I was away on a short break
for Christmas. I'd like to share my thoughts about the outlook
you have about your life and what's in it and what isn't.
The start of the year is always a time we think about where we
are, where we want to be and resolutions for the year ahead. I
realized I had fallen into a big trap myself and was beginning to
make myself unhappy, my thinking was all wrong. This is an
important lesson - can I share it with you?
My head was full of thoughts about what I WASN'T able to do.
Where I HADN'T gone and where I WOULD RATHER BE and what I WOULD
RATHER be doing. Even though I was enjoying a short break in a
beautiful city with my family at Christmas time my heart was
filled with regret at not doing something ELSE. Isn't that silly?
Does this way of thinking sound familiar to you?
Guess what I felt when I thought like that?
Horrible. Unhappy.
So my message today is simple, make a change in the way you think
about your life. You can do it instantly as I did. Choose to focus
on what you HAVE now that's good. Focus on what is good about
where you are and who you are with. Focus on what you are doing
that you enjoy.
Simple change isn't it?
Try this today and let me know how you feel as a result of this
small change in thinking.
Did you enjoy this message? If so, how would you like me as your
Life Coach? If my messages help you, imagine what you can achieve
with my personal guidance?
To arrange a FREE Life Coaching session with me and get the
opportunity to join my FULL Life Coaching Program just follow the
instructions here:
Karl Perera
Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: