Subject: Can I have a word with you?

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Hi Friend,

Today I'd like to talk to you about words.

They are so powerful aren't they? Think about it. Has anyone ever said
anything to you that made you extremely happy and made you feel like you
were special?

Did anyone ever say something that motivated you to bring out the very best
in you?

Have you ever experienced the wonderful fuzzy feeling inside that the words
of love can produce in every one of us?

Have you ever been thanked simply and felt amazing as a result of just two

Words can also have a negative impact of course but I want to focus today
on the positive power of words.

Many believe that the world was created with words.

What you say to yourself can change your mood immediately. Words are so
powerful that you can use them to encourage yourself to unbelievable
success. You can do the same with a few choice words to another person.

Words are like medicine and can cure you of terminal negativity and make
you feel healthy and well. It is therefore vitally important that you not
only check the words you say to yourself but the words you listen to.

Reading is a great source of inspiration and motivation. The words in an
inspiring book are like gold. They should be treasured.

Words you read can change the way you think and act and can inspire you to
attack new challenges with encouragement and unshakeable confidence.

How do you feel after you read an inspiring book?

Therefore, I advise you to read every day. Read inspiring and motivating
books that will transform your thinking and your life.

Here are some amazing books that will help you build your self esteem and
change your life beyond your imagination:

Speak next week,

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets: