Subject: "Believing will get you there.."

Re: "Believing will get you there.." from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

A few days ago I watched a film I had first seen several years
ago. It's called "Dragonfly" and stars Kevin Costner. A great
film that carries a great line spoken towards the end of the

The line is:

"Believing gets you there.."

I thought today I'd underline again the importance of believing
in yourself.

Self-confidence is one measure of your self esteem. You need to
raise your self esteem to be able to believe in yourself. I think
it's really relevant right now with all that's going on in the
world. We seem to be witnessing people power. For this new
happening to be successful it must be about raising the self
esteem of all.

I've got two short videos about confidence for you today, please
tell me what you think of them.

Watch the videos here:

Remember that the power of self confidence and self belief
multiplies the opportunities and possibilities in your life and
the joy that results from achieving what you want.

One more quote for you:

"If you think you can't; you're right."

It is you who sets the limits on your life and your opportunity,
I wish you a rewarding and happy week ahead.

Until next week,

Take care,
Karl Perera

Author of "Self esteem Secrets":

Paperback version:

E-book version: