Subject: Being positive is more than this...

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you healthy and well!

My message for you this week is about being positive...

You know how important it is to be positive right? But do you
try your hardest and still feel negative?

There are a number of tools you can use to help you start
thinking more positive thoughts such as affirmations (positive
statements which you repeat) or changing how you say something
from negative to positive:

Instead of saying "I don't like living here" say "I would prefer
to live in ...."

Remove "no", "not", "can't", "don't" from your thoughts and
words and make positive statements.

Instead of "I don't like..." say "I like...." or again "I

This will start to change your thoughts and this will in time
change how you feel. But a warning...

Just saying positive things will not change your inner feelings.

You need to go deeper...inside your mind and soul.

How do you do this? Is this some new age nonsense?

NO! You need balance and peace inside and in this world you
probably feel pressure and stress every day. These stresses are
stopping you from being relaxed, positive and happy. Try
relaxing, even meditating and in a relaxed state you need to use
your mind to become more heopeful and positive.

Please take a look at this video and try it, it works for me.
Please let me know if you enjoy it or if it helps you.

Until next week,
Take care,

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets Ebook