Subject: Another First I hope...👆


Another weekend and I have done an incredible amount this week.

Today’s message is about productivity. Are you productive?

What does productive mean to you? Does it just mean doing more, always more…

Absolutely not! This society drives us to work harder and longer...but for what?

To be productive does not mean to do more than everybody else. It means to contribute something positive to the world which is helpful to others. As I am writing this I am asking myself the same question, how productive am I?

Productive means to give and be useful to others, this is, in my opinion, the purpose of life.

So, this brings me to what I have for you this week. I am excited to talk to you directly and in person rather than just emailing you. So, on the following page you will find a video message and a lot more besides…

Please click on this link to see it:

Hope you like it. I hope you will take a moment to let me know what you’d like to see over the next few weeks.

Would you, for example, be interested to see my recent photos I’ve taken as part of my new hobby? Do you know what that is? Guess…

-----photography - what could it be?

Until next time, be productive!

Karl Perera
Teacher, Coach and Author, Regent Road, CB4 2AD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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