Subject: Accepting This is Vital...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

I must apologize first for not sending this weekly message to you
last week. I was traveling to the UK where I am working now for
the next month at Durham university.

This week's Message:

Accepting responsibility for Your Life

Do you sometimes blame everyone and everything but yourself for
your life and the problems you face?

Who or what do you blame? Your parents, grandparents, partner,
lack of money, the economic crisis, the government, where you
study, your boss...the list goes on.

You are responsible for how your life is right now.
You are responsible for your thoughts and feelings.
You are responsible for what you do now.

Take responsiblity for your life. Stop blaming and decide to take
action to help yourself. Take that decision right now, no more
putting it off.

Before I go can I ask you a favor?

Please vote and tell me which of these you like best:

(Just choose which logo you think is best for my website and this
will help me tremendously).

See you next week,
Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book: