Subject: A critical question for you...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at and

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Hi Friend,

There is one question that you need to ask yourself if you find
yourself lacking in confidence generally or feeling that you are
not getting the respect you deserve from others.

We all want others to value us as people and respect our feelings
and opinions but before you question why others are reacting to
you in a negative way or why your relationships are not as
positive as you wish, ask yourself this one question:

How much do you appreciate yourself?

Take a moment or two to think about this because it is a critical

Listen, if you do not appreciate yourself, who you are and what
you are and what you have achieved in your life, then how do you
expect others to?

So, today take some time out to think about this question and
list the things you appreciate about yourself.

Now when you do this beware the negative voice inside you. Before
you get started the doubts will come from this voice and tell you
this exercise is silly. Don't listen, it most certainly is not.

I am not talking about your life here, I am talking about what
you appreciate about YOU.

My e-book "Self Esteem Secrets" provides you with many powerful
tools to boost your self esteem and maintain it so you can
feel like you again and live a more rewarding life...

Get a copy here:

Good luck with this exercise - anything you write is helpful,
your character, your honesty, your appearance, your success as
...., your abilities, values and so on.

I promise you that putting time into this will help you and if
you can appreciate yourself your life will become so much more

Let me know how this works for you,

that's all for today - speak again next week...

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: