Subject: 3 Myths That You Must Reject🎯


It's Karl here.

Today, we'll cover the 3 toxic myths about self esteem and self improvement that all beginners MUST break away from in order to achieve a better YOU.

Getting your mindset right is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to succeed in helping yourself. As the popular saying goes, "You are your worst enemy and best asset" ;-)

From serving many private clients and students from all walks of life over the last 20 plus years, I can tell you that the most successful are those with the right mindset and attitude, who have the right beliefs about building self esteem.

Now it's myth-busters time, my friend!

Time to re-align your perspectives and make things better :)

Myth #1: 

I can bring better things into my life by just acting as if I already have them, and the universe will attract them into my life.

For example, if you want your finances to improve, the Law of Attraction says you need to stop worrying about money and act as if you already have it and it will come. This is a myth because you cannot get anything without taking action.

This may be an extreme example, but thousands of people believe that just by changing their mindset they can attract the positive change they want in their lives. Not without effort and determination you can't!

Self help books have fooled people over the years into quick fire solutions that don't require energy and effort over a period of time. These books don't tell you the whole truth like I will. The truth is that without hard work and the determination to face one's challenges head on, we cannot improve and get what we really want.

The answer to life's challenges is commitment and problems test you.

Check out this helpful page to bring more positivity into your life

Myth #2: You need to be more humble to improve yourself. This is SO not true.

Many claim that wanting more self esteem is selfish. They believe this because they think that to improve yourself and your self esteem means to focus on yourself all the time. But they are VERY mistaken!

Building your self esteem requires you to focus on your relationship with the world and with others and on your relationship with yourself. Building self esteem is the ultimate in non-selfishness because you want to feel more valuable, more successful and more valued. The only way to feel like this is to give more and aim higher and to contribute to the lives of others in order to feel that you really matter.

Develop a positive attitude - here's how

Myth #3: You need to be positive all the time and stop thinking negatively.

Not true and not possible!

You should try to think MORE positively but when you do have negative thoughts, as everyone does sometimes, notice this and challenge them. Then move on.

Why is believing in these 3 myths problematic?

Because believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don't seek guidance, and subsequently, you don't transform your life and relationships.

Don't for a second doubt yourself! Believe in YOU!

That's all I have for you for now...

Till the next time, take care:)


Karl Perera MA, DipLC (Life Coaching).  

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