Subject: 🔥 Your Voice Matters! Vote for What Interests You


Today I am asking you this question:

What Interests You?

I'd like you to help me help you better by telling me what you'd most like to get from me in these messages every week.

Vote now for what you want. 

There are several things that I am working on and am interested in sharing with you.

You can vote for any or all of these choices:

  • Improving Your Health

  • Improving your finances

  • Becoming more inspired and motivated

  • Learning about my experiences in astrophotography

By voting, you can have your say in what I send you in the weeks to come. I'd like to help you as best I can, so help me do this by clicking the link to vote above or below now.

Also, you can add your own comments and ideas for what you want to learn more about and what interests you most.

Click this link now to vote:

Signing off, have a wonderful week!

Karl Perera

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