Subject: We Need You! Be a Part of The Experience! 🌟

We Need Volunteers!

Are you looking to serve this summer?

Has God given you a desire to work with individuals with disabilities?

Are you looking for a life-changing, inspiring, event?

Volunteers are needed! Supervising staff (no experience required) as well as medical and support staff are needed to serve in-residence for five days. Accommodations and meals are provided.


Summer Get Away offers the features of a great vacation in a supportive and accessible location, with additional benefits of fellowship and spiritual refreshment.

Like a typical vacation, many attend Summer Get Away to escape their daily routine, get the chance to relax, and acquire a motivational boost.

"Attending Summer Get Away is like receiving a shot that helps me deal with my deteriorating muscles the rest of the year," says Dale.

A number of guests can't wait to register each year. We've heard countless stories of eyes lit up with excitement when they get their first announcement in the mail. Our friends can't wait to register and they don't want to miss out what this annual event has to offer!

Danielle looks forward to Summer Get Away, because of the opportunity to perform at the talent show. Mary dreams about going on hayrides and making crafts, each year.

Michelle is normally dependent on the schedule at her group home. At Summer Get Away, she finds more freedom and choice. During open Rec, she can go swimming, play volleyball, make a craft, or get an ice cream cone. During meals, she can sit and talk with her friends. During evening service, she can worship God in her own unique way without fear of judgement or restriction.

Summer Get Away isn't just an event where people show up and say, "That was fun." Our focus is for each person attending to walk away with new relationships, divine revelations, and a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and how much He loves them.

We are excited...

for guests to register and experience this life-changing event.

We also need...

Volunteers that will help our guests navigate the week and build life-long friendships.

Financial support to make this event work.

And, don’t forget... we need your prayers.

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