Subject: Treasurerd Tools

Last year, we were able to develop a connection with Karen, from Accessible Hope International. She first contacted the Blind Services department looking for materials to support and assist in ministering to at least five women who were blind and visually impaired. Here was her initial feedback:

“It was so great meeting you last week and hearing your story and about the ministry of Special Touch. I was blessed! Thank you for the Braille books and thank you for sending the PDF. I am so excited to get these to Sierra Leone and give them to Adama so she can use them with the blind women.”

Accessible Hope International serves 600 women in four communities in Northern Sierra Leone. Their signature program is a discipleship course where local women can learn about their inherent, God-given value. Transformation takes place as these women find hope and belonging.

We received this exciting update after she had hand-delivered the Braille and Large Print Materials: “It was so touching to see the faces of the ladies as they began reading through the Bible study! They just glowed with joy! There are so few Braille resources available to them, especially spiritual resources, that I know these will be a treasured resource. Adama, our Advocacy Officer, who is blind, plans to lead a Bible study with the women.”

Successful Disability Ministry is more than just directly serving the

individual with a disability. Many times, it’s about supporting and equipping others serving in ministry, with the tools, information, and resources to meet the needs of people with disabilities in their existing programs.

Disability Ministry includes discipling and training both those people with and those without disabilities to continue ministry to others. Discipleship can begin with as little as one person ministering to another.

Your ongoing financial support makes it possible for Special Touch Ministry to research, produce, and develop these “treasured” tools, materials, and trainings... enabling all to fulfill the Great Commission.