Subject: Do you use a treadmill, play soccer, workout, have back pain, clicky jaw or cramps ?

281 Port Road Hindmarsh and 40 Prospect Road Prospect

Ph 8346 2000 or 8342 2233

Including Hindmarsh Exercise Physiology Services

 Treadmill v Outdoors

Here are some facts you might find useful. …the pros and cons of walking and running on a treadmill versus fresh air.

Preventing Soccer Injuries

This physically demanding sport has a high injury rate. Muscles, tendons, strains and sprains. Prevention strategies to keep you in the game.

The 5 shoulder exercises we suggest you avoid

Knowledge is power and hopefully we can help you to understand some of the common shoulder exercises that can cause injuries.

Why does my jaw click- TMJ Physio explained

Your TMJ or jaw is one of the most used joints in your body on a daily basis. 
If you have ever felt a click or pop when you open your mouth – find out more here

Try This 5 minute workout series

Back by popular demand!

This 5 minute workout is designed to help to reduce back pain, improve your mobility and start to strengthen the muscles. Great for prevention too.
Click the image above for our full size PDF or for a quick phone friendly version click here

The agony of cramps- Cramping your style- In sport and sleep

What are they, why do you get them, how to manage them and prevent as well. 

Best exercises for your age

20, 30 40 and more- should you run, should you do weights-  what is best

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