Subject: (You're invited) I.M Freedom Workshop Singapore ONLY

Hey it's Edmund here again.

Just want to confirm your
attend for today for I.M
Freedom Workshop LIVE in

If you have not registered yet,
please go here to register.

*Strictly no walk-ins.

See you.

Edmund Toh
See Above to Click on 'Display Image Below'
"The KING Of Get RICH The Lazy Way"

P.S. If you have any question, you can
reply to this email, I will personally
reply you.

Or you can connect with me on Facebook:

My Mobile Phone: +65 91439680

Previous Email

Hi, Edmund here...

The I.M Freedom Workshop is finally
here in Singapore.

If you are in Singapore, you can
get your FREE ticket to the LIVE

We have 3 dates. You can attend
either one of these 3 dates.

(1) 12th August 2014
(2) 13th August 2014
(3) 14th August 2014

Venue: Park Mall, 9 Penang Road #13-17,
Singapore 238459

Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm

*Strictly No walk ins.

Only when you register, then you are able
to enter the room for free.

Here's the Registration Link

It's 2 Hours, content pack workshop
conducted by my buddy, Luke Lim.

So what to expect at the I.M Freedom
I know you may have had a few concerns
or questions about attending any type
of training like this...
And you know what?
That's completely normal, because
I would too!

I had been to plenty of those
events that are what you might
call "pitch fests", or where
the presenter scams you on
some "get rich quick", pyramid scheme.
Firstly, let me assure you that
this event is NOTHING of that

About The trainer Luke Lim.

For Luke, he had personally struggled
for 2 years in internet marketing,
spent over $50k trying all sorts of
stuff, buying all sorts of systems,
attending all sorts of courses,
without any results to show for.

After partnering with Matt Lloyd
last year mid October, he started
making $4.5k in my first month,
then shortly after $10k per month,
$20k per month and so on.

He has a full time job and he don't
work on his internet business on
Sunday, and he spend time with his
family too... so he really doing
his online business part time.

The reason why he got these results
is not because he is a genius.

Far from it.

He had simply been scammed too
much, and listened to too much bad
advice from unsuccessful people,
before learning the hard way what it
really takes to make a 4-5 figure
monthly income online.

It really boils down to 2 very
simple equation.

Get that wrong, and you'll most likely
be struggling for a very, very long time.
(Hint: Most people are here)

Get that right, and you'll be able
to get results fast.

This is what he'll be covering in
the workshop.
Hope you can make it there.
He'll share with you a couple case
studies over the next few days so
you can get to know a few of the
successful students if that's cool?
For now, make sure and grab your seat
to the workshop if you haven't yet:
Claim your free ticket to the I.M. Freedom Workshop Here

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
See Above to Click on 'Display Image Below'
"The KING Of Get RICH The Lazy Way"

P.S. If you have any question, you can
reply to this email, I will personally
reply you.

Or you can connect with me on Facebook:

My Mobile Phone: +65 91439680
