Subject: The easiest way to make $1 million

Let’s say I gave you two options
to make $1 million dollars online.

Option #1:
You can sell 100,000 ebooks at
$10 a piece.

Option #2:
You can sell 100 programs at
$10,000 a piece.

Now, 100 is a LOT less than 100,000 (obviously).

And all things being equal, anyone
would chose Option #2.

But all things are not equal.

It is harder to make that
$10,000 sale...

... but (and here’s the key), it
is not PROPORTIONATELY harder.

Here’s what that means...

It may be easier to go out and
get one customer at $10, but
it is NOT easier than going
out and getting 1,000.

You see, for each $10,000 sale
you make, you would need to make
1,000 ebook sales.

And it requires a LOT more time
and effort to go out and get
1,000 customers at $10 than
it does to get ONE customer
at $10,000...

... especially when the MTTB
system will make the $10,000
sale FOR YOU (more on that in
a minute).

Now, very few people understand
this concept.

The ones that do are the handful
of elite entrepreneurs who actually
make REAL money (millions of dollars)

So Matt Lloyd put together a free
video called “The Art and Science
of Making High Ticket Commissions”
that will explain this concept in
Watch the video at the link above.

When you do, you’ll also find out
how you can get our phone sales
team to make these high-ticket
sales FOR YOU, and how you can
get paid $1,000… $3,000… or $5,000
commission each time they do.

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
"The KING Of Get Rich the Lazy Way"

P.S. Here's the direct sign up link:

I will give you a sweet bonus for you.
(Make sure you see "Edmund Toh" as
the referring affiliate to receive my
Click on 'Display Images Below' to see picture

As many of you are always information
overload and not sure how to kick start
an online business.

You are also scare of not able to follow. Right?

So I have come out a MOBE Shortcut Online
Training for you.

I will personally do a live Google Hangout
(Value US$1497) with you and help you to
get started FAST.

No more sitting in front of the computer
and feeling stuck.

3 Steps to make money online.

Step 1: Setup the business the
             correct way. <-- This is very important
             which you can learn via my MOBE Shortcut
             Online Training (I personally conduct)

Step 2: Drive traffic to the MOBE Funnel <– You
             will get a traffic coach (real person)
             when you signed up

Step 3: Make money. <– When you fulfilled step 1 and step 2


Sign up now:

After you have sign up: Add me to facebook. I will
start the training with you.
